Why do banks write off bad debt

Why do banks write off bad debt Home Blog Why do banks write off bad debt Why do banks write off bad debt? Did you ever wonder why banks announce that they’re writing off bad debt? In many cases, banks do not prefer to write off bad debt since loans are their primary assets and […]
E-commerce frauds in India

E-commerce frauds in India Home Blog E-commerce frauds in India Over the past few years, the entire world was under lockdown due to the pandemic. Digitalization boomed due to lack of mobility and the restriction imposed by the official authorities on not leaving the house for any reason. It changed the entire mindset, and a […]
Illegal loan lenders are back in the digital frauds

Illegal loan lenders are back in the digital frauds Home Blog Illegal loan lenders are back in the digital frauds Instant loan providers are thriving in the presence of the digital frauds. They are luring gullible people looking for easy loans by harassing them later, using recovery agents, and sometimes even leading them to experience […]
Blackmail by loan application is rising in Mumbai

Blackmail by loan application is rising in Mumbai Home Blog Blackmail by loan application is rising in Mumbai Blackmail by loan application is rising in Mumbai Just in the past few days, many cases of illegal loan apps of harassing people to recover their loans have come to light. The article speaks about a 32-year […]
The Importance of the Financial year in India

The Importance of the Financial year in India Home Blog The Importance of the Financial year in India As a part of British inheritance in India, we still follow the pattern of considering April – March as the fiscal year. It has been 150 years since India followed the same pattern, whereas other 156 countries […]
Phishing Scams, What Does it Mean and How to Prevent it

Phishing Scams, What Does it Mean and How to Prevent it Home Blog Phishing Scams, What Does it Mean and How to Prevent it Phishing Scams, What Does it Mean and How to Prevent it As a democratic country, India is now introducing the concept of the digital world. In past recent years, pandemics have […]