What happens to a person who is unable to pay his debts?

Money problems often lead to many people losing their finances for various reasons. While few people are prepared for unexpected hardships, others fail to cope with them. Having to deal with financial crisis can add more stress to your life. It can be more devastating to deal with repaying your debts and ultimately falling into […]
RBI Observed Financial Literacy Week in February

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has declared February 14 to 18 as financial literacy week in order to promote financial education among the public. The program is aimed at educating the general public on the importance of financial literacy and […]
Are Bank Recovery Agents Crossing the Line? Here is How to Stop Harassment from Recovery Agents

How to stop recovery agent harassment? In India, consumer rights have been disregarded for a long time, especially when collecting outstanding dues like bank loans and credit cards. There are numerous cases of oppressive and illegal conduct by recovery agents attempting to collect pending or missed dues on behalf of the banks. In the past […]
The 900-Credit Score: What it Means and How to Get One

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. Your credit score is the most important factor affecting your future purchases. This three-digit number indicated your creditworthiness or the likelihood that you’ll repay money you borrow. It is generally considered that a credit score in India ranges from 300 to […]
Money Management Basics: Top Tips for How to Manage Your Money

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. From paying off debt to maintaining savings for the purpose of emergency savings in the bank, your financial fate hinges on key management basics. It is important to get familiar with the fundamentals of how to manage money from the base […]
Behind the Scenes: How Debt Settlement Companies in India Works and the Risk You Face

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. Debt settlement in India is simply defined as an agreement made with creditors to accept less than the amount you owe. It means that creditors will stop harassing you for the money if you settle down your amount. For many people, […]
What Is a Zero Balance Account (ZBA)?

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. A zero-balance account (ZBA) is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a checking account in which a balance of zero is maintained. When funds are needed in the ZBA, the exact amount of money required is automatically transferred from a […]
Recurring Deposits

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. The Reserve Bank of India, has over the years introduced various schemes to educate the public on how to save money. One of the key directives issued by RBI was the introduction of term deposits and the interest applied on such […]
Importance of Credit Score

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. Have you ever wondered how lenders decide if you qualify for credit? Well, each person has a credit file which carries a score that decides importance Have you ever wondered how lenders decide if you qualify for credit? Well, each person […]
Banks and Banking Systems in India – Origin and Evolution

CLICK HERE TO CONNECT WITH US ON WHATSAPP AND KNOW MORE ABOUT OUR SERVICES. What is a Bank? Most of us are familiar with the banks and banking systems in our daily life as we must have seen our parents either drawing out cash or making deposits into their bank accounts. Back in the day, […]