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Personal Loan is basically an Unsecured Loan which is taken by an individual in such a situation where they borrow money for their personal needs or for an investment in a company.

A Personal Loan consists of 3 elements – an Evidence of the debt (for example a Promissory Note), an amount which has been borrowed and the cost of borrowing which is the interest rate.

What is a Personal Loan Settlement?

A Personal Loan Settlement is the procedure when an Individual pays off a small percentage of the loan so that they can close their debts. This is a situation when the bank is bearing a loss as after the amount is settled, the amount of repayment done to the bank is lesser than the amount of loan that had been taken.

But the banks have to vouch for a settlement as it will atleast get them a less amount but close the loan in the process. This all works on the basis of a set-up plan which takes place between a Lender and a Borrower. There are often reasons like financial hardship or getting out of the debt quickly involved when a settlement is made.

Once the Individual is found to be eligible for settling the loan, it takes around 90-120 days to settle the loan, once the agreement gets signed.

As personal loans aren’t secured with collateral, a personal loan can be settled easily. This allows the individual to stop making the payments by setting up a plan with the Lender. Other loans like Student Loans have their family or relatives as a Guarantor whereas a personal loan doesn’t have that type of an assurance. That is why it is feasible compared to the other loans.

Types of Loans which can be settled

When it comes to a country like India, any type of unsecured loans can be settled. Unsecured loans like a personal loan, an unsecured business loan or it can also be a credit card loan. Compared to secured loans like a home loan, auto loan or gold loan, a personal loan can be paid off by setting up a plan but in secured loans, the banks takes the possession of the assets which gets mortgaged against the loan.

Benefits of a Personal Loan Settlement

A great way to finance a wide range of wide ranges, the best option is a Personal Loan Settlement. Sometimes, unexpected financial challenges can make the process of loan settlement really difficult for the individual to keep up with the payments of the loan.

Here are some benefits of settling a personal loan:

  • Reduced Debt 

Allowing the borrower to resolve their debts by paying a lesser amount than the full balance that is owed. As borrowers struggle with their loan payments, this will be a huge relief.

  • Lower Monthly Payments 

Settling a personal loan, an easier way for the borrower to make lower monthly payments. This helps them managing their finances and not leading to defaulting on their loan.

  • Faster Debt Resolution 

Resolving a debt is a quick option when it comes to settling a loan. With struggling to pay for the years to come, borrowers can vouch for the option of settling the loan which will help the borrower to be debt-free at a short period of time.

  • Avoiding Bankruptcy 

Sometimes, borrowers choose the option of filing or declaring bankruptcy but if the borrower gets their personal loan settled, then, they would get saved from the long-term consequences of bankruptcy. It also lets the borrower to maintain a good credit score.

  • Avoiding Legal Action 

When the loan isn’t paid by the borrower, the lender might think of taking legal action against the borrower. To avoid such situations which includes legal entities, settling the personal loan is a good option. This will also save the individual from factors like stress and expenses of a legal dispute.

It is better for the borrower to know that settling for a personal loan also has its consequences.

What's the loan settlement process?

  • The loan settlement process involves reaching an agreement with the lender to resolve an outstanding loan balance. It typically includes negotiating a reduced payment or settlement amount to satisfy the debt. 
  • Once an agreement is reached, the borrower makes a lump sum payment or a series of payments as per the settlement terms. Upon receiving the agreed-upon amount, the lender marks the loan as settled or closed on the borrower’s credit report. 
  • It’s important to note that settling a loan may have an impact on the borrower’s credit score, and it’s advisable to consult with a financial advisor or credit counselor before entering into a settlement agreement.

Impact of a Personal Loan Settlement

Settling a personal loan isn’t a decision which should be taken lightly by an individual. As the repercussion of a settlement takes a toll on the individual. Here are a few consequences which will occur

  • Impact on Credit Score 

Once a loan has been settled, it also affects the credit score of the individual. As the borrower negotiated with the lender and settled to pay a lesser amount than the full balance, the lender will report this to the credit bureau. This will then reflect on the credit report of the individual.

Even though, the loan had been settled, the borrower would still have to pay the tax on the amount of debt that had been forgiven.

  • Lender’s Reputation 

If the borrower is in an agreement with a reputed lender then the process of settlement will be done in a proper, transparent and fair manner.

  • Agreement in Writing 

Before the borrower starts making any payments, to avoid any misunderstandings or confusion, it is better to have the agreement documented in writing.

  • Long-term Consequences 

Settling a loan might solve the present scenario of the individual but when it comes to long-term, there are consequences which will take place. This will not only affect the credit score of the individual but also affect the financial opportunities of their future. So it is very much important for the borrower to consider the benefits and drawbacks before making the decision of settlement.

  • Percentage of Loan Forgiven 

One important thing the borrower has to keep in mind is to know how much percent of the loan has been forgiven so that they don’t get much tax implications or it doesn’t affect their credit score.

  • Alternative Options

It is better for the individual to look for options other than loan settlement first. There are options like loan consolidation or restructuring.

How to negotiate a Personal Loan Settlement?

One of the difficult process in a Personal Loan Settlement is the part when the negotiation happens. With the right approach, the agreement which takes place can be beneficial for both, the lender and the borrower.

Gathering of the necessary information about the loan is the very first step that needs to be taken. This includes the outstanding balance, the interest rates and the term of the loan. To explain the financial situation to the lender on why the borrower isn’t able to repay the loan, all this information will come handy.

Once all the necessary information has been acquired, the borrower must contact the lender. If the process starts early, there are high chances of reaching a favourable settlement. Once, the borrower speaks to the lender, the borrower should also provide all the documentation of income and expenses and also any relevant financial information.

The borrower should make the lender understand their situation and try to work out a way which both of them will find beneficial.

After this comes the part when the borrower proposes the settlement amount. Keeping in mind the lender’s perspective, the settlement amount should be realistic and reasonable. There are chances that the lender might not agree to the amount which had been proposed so the borrower should be ready to negotiate in a way which will make both the parties happy.

There is an important factor in which the borrower must be aware there are companies which claim to help the borrowers to settle their personal loans. These companies are a scam and can make the situation even worse. So, it is better for the borrower to be extra cautious when they deal with third party companies. It is better to do a research before approaching such companies.

So every criteria mentioned above should be kept in mind when the borrower wishes to negotiate for a personal loan settlement.


a personal loan settlement is a great option when the borrower isn’t able to repay the loan but it also has an after effect which turns out to be negative and starts affecting the credit score of the individual. But if there is a con there are pros as well. There are benefits like reduced debt, lower monthly payments and debt resolution which will help you in becoming debt-free faster.

A personal loan is an unsecured loan taken by individuals for personal use, such as meeting financial needs, paying for medical expenses, consolidating debt, or financing a vacation. The loan amount is disbursed by a bank or a non-banking financial company (NBFC) without any collateral requirement. The interest rate and repayment period for personal loans in India vary depending on the lender and the borrower’s credit score and income.

The consequences of settling a personal loan include a negative impact on the borrower’s credit score, potential legal action by the lender, and the possibility of additional fees and interest charges. The borrower may also have difficulty obtaining future loans.

Yes, it is better to have the agreement documented in writing to avoid misunderstandings or confusion.

Before settling a Personal Loan, the individual should consider the benefits and drawbacks and the long-term consequences it may have on their credit score and financial opportunities.

2 thoughts on “Personal Loan Settlement”

  1. Tusar Kumar August 11, 2024

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